- Belgian , professional experience in London (7 years) and Paris (since 2001)
- Anglosaxon and multi-cultural background, bilingual English/French
- 25 ans experience in large global companies
- Communication, Media, International Coordination
- Media Agencies (eg Omnicom) et International avertisers (eg PSA)
- Teams and Clients Management as well as transversal projects
- Soft Skills : Collaborative / Coordination / Emotional Intelligence / Communication / Problem solving / Creativity
- Dynamic, pragmatic, caring, positive and reliable
- ICF Coach (individual, collective and systemic), ANC (Neurocognitivisme and Behavioural Approcah) and Lego Serious Play Certified
- Multiple postures : Coach, Facilitation, Consultant and trainer
25 years experience in clients support
25 years of international experience in large global companies have allowed Alexandra Germeau to develop her talents in leadership, project/client management and multicultural and multifunctional teams. It soon became clear that the success of projects depends on people. An undisguised pleasure to accompany them.
The years of experience have also strengthened his willingness to put Meaning and the Human at the center of organizations in order to strengthen the “win-win” relationship between the two. Employee fulfilment and company profitability are compatible and desired.
The discovery since 2016 of collective intelligence tools, the neurocognitive & behavioural approach (NBA), facilitation and coaching (both individual, collective and systemic) have enabled her to become an enthusiastic and convinced actress of the need to accompany transformations in companies. This is her passion today.