Managerial transformation
Professional coaching, represented by a limited duration contract, is supervised :
- Preliminary session to validate or not the “chemistry” between the coachee and the coach.
- Tripartite interview (Prescriber / Coach / Coach) to define in full transparency the global objective of the support and the indicators of success.
- From 7 to 10 sessions spaced 3 to 4 weeks apart, either in person or by telephone / videoconference.
- Mid-term reviews and Closure & Balance Sheet
Although the overall objective is known to all 3 parties, only the progress of the coaching is shared with the prescriber. The content of each session remains totally confidential.
During this coaching, it will also be possible to envisage a managerial path and to exchange on tools for conflict management, stress management, team leadership, effective meetings, etc … in this case, the consultant’s cap will be announced to the person. A follow-up of the use of the tools can also be integrated in the coaching.
Managerial transformation requires individual and personalised support. It is a process that aims to bring out the person’s own solutions, to release their conscious or unconscious obstacles in order to maximize their professional potential.
Who for ?
- Board Directors,
- Directors,
- Transversal Managers
- Managers
- etc ..
What for ?
- Getting to know yourself to develop your full potential,
- Successfully taking up a position and achieving new objectives,
- Identifying your own management style and deploying it,
- Become a manager coach,
- Creating alliance and trust with its new team,
- Putting the new team in place, animating it and making it grow,
- Asserting leadership,
- Learn how to manage your time and priorities,
- Overcoming obstacles, a difficult deadline or a stressful situation to gain serenity and efficiency,
- Etc…
How ?
- Individual coaching from 6 to 10 sessions every 2 or 3 weeks.
- Tailor-made group managerial course
Management consulting - Discovery of management tools
- Observation in situation to better act afterwards
- Organization of peer groups (Inspiration co-dev)